How to Enable Clipboard History on Windows 10

How to Enable Clipboard History on Windows 10

Jul 31, 2024

Whether you are a student, professional, or digital creator, you may know how to copy and paste in Windows 10 very well. However, many novice users cannot find out how to access the clipboard in Windows 10. With the new revolutionary update, now users store the clipboard history which can be beneficial for later use.

This article is going to be a detailed guide on how to open clipboard in Windows 10. You will also learn how to activate the clipboard history on Windows so that you can copy and store up to 25 clips and can access them anytime. Not only that, Windows clipboard comes with many more unique features that we are going to explore in this post.

What is Clipboard and Clipboard History on Windows 10?

Clipboard in Windows is a way to copy the items on the cloud-based system and can be accessed anytime by simply past the shortcut key. Though Windows has previously had a clipboard feature, the latest clipboard allows users to save up to 25 items that include texts, images, HTML codes, etc. The maximum storing limit is 4Mb and beyond that limit doesn’t store in the clipboard.

The unique features of Windows 10 Clipboard –

  • Store up to 25 items – Unlike traditional clipboards where you can store only one copied item, the new feature allows you to add 25 copies. Moreover, this is not limited to the texts only but can store images, links, videos, and HTML codes.
  • Pin/unpin history – When you are working on a large project, you might copy a lot of items. Once it goes beyond the 25 items, it starts replacing old ones with new ones. You may lose important copied data in this case, so you can always pin the important items. The pinned item will always be on the clipboard.
  • Shared Clipboard – You can always access your saved clipboard even if you logged out from your system. The saved items can accessed from other computers or laptops with the same Microsoft account.

How to Access Clipboard Windows 10

An item is stored in the clipboard when you perform Ctrl+C on Windows 10. You can paste it by simply using the shortcut key Ctrl+V. But to add up to 25 items on the clipboard, you need to activate it from the settings as explained.

How to enable clipboard history on Windows 10 –

  • Head on the Windows icon at the left-side bottom.
how to access clipboard on Windows 10
  • Click on the Settings gear from the options.
  • Tap on the System tab.
how to access clipboard Windows 10
  • At the top-left corner, you have a search bar.
  • Start typing the clipboard on the settings search.
Clipboard History on Windows 10
  • Click on the first option Clipboard settings that will lead you to the new page.
  • Now you are on the Clipboard settings page where you can enable the search history.
How to enable clipboard history on Windows 10
  • Click on the enable toggle for the clipboard history if not already on.
  • Once it is on, you can now take the benefit of copying and saving multiple clipboards (up to 5).
  • How to open clipboard history – To access the clipboard history on Windows 10, press Win+V (Windows+Paste). You can see various stored items recently. It can be images, videos, links, etc. If you want to paste any, just click on the particular item, and it will paste into your system. You can even scroll down to find any other stored clipboard or history.

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How to Pin Clipboard on Windows 10

While you know how to access clipboard Windows 10, pinning them is a more charismatic feature. Pinning your most required clipboard is a unique feature of Windows that became part of it in the 2018 update. To pin a clipboard history, you first have to see the stored clipboard on your systems’ history.

how to access clipboard Windows 10

Perform Windows+V shortcut keys to see clipboard history. Select the clipboard that you want to pin. In the right front of the saved item, click on the three dots. From the multiple options, click on the Pin option, and your copied item will pinned. Similarly, you can pin multiple items from the clipboard.

Benefits of Pinning – When you pin an item, it doesn’t place the item in the upper positions as typical pin settings do. But it will save the clipboard from replacing with others. Also, the pinned clipboard will not deleted when you clear the clipboard history or restart your PC.

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Clear Clipboard History –

It is obvious to delete clipboard history when you don’t require it. You have two ways to clear clipboard history: One with Windows shortcut but it won’t delete pinned items. The second is from the clipboard settings. We have discussed both methods below –

Clear with shortcut key: Access the clipboards in Windows 10 with the shortcut Win+V. Click on the three-dot buttons of any item. Click on the last option Clear all and the items will deleted from the clipboard history.

Clear with Windows settings: Go to the settings of Windows. Select system settings as done previously. On the left side, type clipboard in the search box. Click on the second option Clear clipboard data. It will lead you to the new page.

how to access clipboard Windows 10

At the bottom of the page, click on the Clear button to remove clipboard history permanently. Now check if the clipboards are clear or not by performing Win+V. If it is not, unpin your pinned clipboard items or delete them manually.


With its unique clipboard history feature, Windows adds great functionality and useful tool for the users. However, many of the users aren’t aware of this intuitive feature of Windows. This is why, today we have explained to you how to access clipboard history on Windows 10. Also, we have discussed the unique features of the clipboard setting.

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