Prevent from Scam: How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon

Prevent from Scam: How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon

Sep 27, 2024

The world is going digitally from buying a small pencil to buying an automobile via online mode. Various online shopping platforms are the new retail stores where we can search online and buy the product.

One of the best and well- known platforms is the Amazon. The rise of fake reviews on products that is not real creates a problem for consumers, who are willing to buy. It became crucial to know How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon. We will also discuss the best fake review checker in this article.

Amazon is the first choice for purchasing the product online. Due to this reason, business owners generate fake reviews on their products to increase sales of their products. The reason for the increase in fake reviews is to make the consumer’s mind in favor of their product.   

Don’t worry it is now possible to spot fake reviews on Amazon easily. Some checkers help users to identify fake reviews on the product they want to buy. In this article, we will uncover all the possible information that will help you to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon.

What is a Fake Review on Amazon?

Amazon is a leading shopping platform across the world. The sellers on this platform can make fake reviews on the product. Fake reviews are the reviews that are posted by some people who don’t use the product or do not have any information about it. These reviews can be positive or negative for the product.

The main aim is to intentionally mislead the consumer’s minds regarding the product. Mostly fake reviews are written on the company’s product by businesses or their employees to increase sales.

The purpose of creating the fake review is to:

  • Rise in the Sales of own product
  • Damaging the consumer’s mind and perspective.
  • Boosting the own reputation
  • Reviewers earn money or get free products for review
  • Creating a negative image of competitors in the eyes of consumers

Why Reviews are important?

Before we discuss how to spot fake reviews on Amazon, let’s understand how important a review is. The reviews are the voices of the people over the product. The consumers buy the online product only after viewing the review of the product. They are important for numerous reasons some of which are listed below-:

  • Building the trust
  • Product information
  • Quality Assurance
  • Visibility over the internet
  • Competitive Advantage over other

How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon

Business owners are playing smartly in increasing their reputation online by posting reviews in favor of their products. These reviews can be good for the business but not for the consumer, as they will create the wrong perception in the mind of the consumer.

We can spot the reviews that are fake or real by analyzing the reviews in the following ways-:  

Date of Review: Equal to or more than three consecutive positive or negative ratings received by a business within one day.

For more clearance let’s take the example-: If you are searching for a Mobile phone, you can search phone on Amazon and find the various reviews in a single day. These reviews are mostly positive. These reviews can be fake as in a day more than 3 reviews of a product can’t be done.

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Language:  Language is the best way to spot a fake review on Amazon. Reviews that were written in the same text style applied to other reviews for the same product or business. The language and the meaning same also be the fake one.

For more clearance let’s take the example-: You can find the reviews in the same style and the long word limits for the phone similar to the review for AC. These can be fake both the different product and usage.

Same Reviewer: There are some cases where we can find the same reviewer review many times, so, these are fake reviews.

For more clearance let’s take the example: It can be possible that the same reviewer is posting more for the same product or related product.

Suspended Profiles:  Suspended Google profiles can be a possibility of how fake writers cover their tracks.

Others ways:

  • Writing long Stories that make everything seem so fake.
  • Fake Mail ids

Amazon fake reviews checker

The consumer needs to be protected from fake reviews as they will make up their minds in the way that the sellers want to. There are various checkers have emerged to spot fake reviews on the shopping platforms like Amazon.

The following are the top 5 Amazon fake reviews checkers-:


    It is one of the best checkers to find the fake review. Fakespot uses an algorithm to scan Amazon reviews and provides the reviews’ quality with a grade. It analyzes the review quickly. It is used to analyze suspicious activity and it uses the AI software of this product to find out fake reviews.


    ReviewMeta works to assess Amazon reviews as it removes conceivable fake or suspicious reviews to yield an improved item rating.  It is mostly good for narrative review reports. These analyses include detailed aspects such as the frequency of how often they are submitting a review and the kinds of patterns they identify to be unnatural.


    This checker is designed to work with the help of AI to find all unsuspicious and fake reviews of the product on Amazon or any other platform. It presents a textual map, pointing out real reviews, and, at the same time, avoiding fake ones.

    AMZ Tracker

    Powerful Review checker tool for analyzing the reviews. It removes the fake feedback and finds the genuine customer. You can assess customer opinions verify the reviews and detect defective reviews.

    Helium 10

    The checker separates the real and fake reviews quickly. Having the advanced capabilities to find the accurate review of the product on Amazon. It also examines the credibility of the review which makes this a favorite checker.


    The reviews are the reaction of the customers that use the product. Due to rise in the fake review it become important to Know How to Spot a Fake Review on Amazon. There are various checkers to find out the fake reviews of Amazon and others. The reviews need to be tested and identified by the customer for the real face of the product which will help to buy the product. It is necessary to be safe and aware of the fake reviews.

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